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24 August 2020 - 30 June 2021
Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy

We invite you to our Webinars that cover all topics of the platform! 

Closing Session| Resumee | Platform with Webinars "Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Ecomony " 

30 June 2021, 15.00-16.00 p.m. CET


15:00-15:20Sonja Angloher-Reichelt,
Bayern Innovativ, Germany, organiser and chair of the Enterprise Europe Network Sector Group Intelligent Energy
Virtual international partnering and knowledge platform – long-term support in a pandemic crisis
15:20-15:30Michael Kerschbaumer, SFG, Austria, Intelligent Energy and Research;
Mohini Keunen, RVO, The Netherlands, Circular Economy; 
Reyes Sansegundo, madrimasd, Spain, Environment
Feedback from co-organising Enterprise Europe Network chairs
15:30-15:55Open discussion, moderated by 
Mohini Keunen, RVO, The Netherlands, Circular Economy; 
Reyes Sansegundo, madrimasd, Spain, Environment
Feedback from international participants and co-organisers from the Enterprise Europe Network – what worked well, what didn´t? Your needs? Ideas and suggestions for future activities?
15:55-16:00Daniela Rosa, Julia Kolb, Bianca Trummer, Sonja Angloher-Reichelt Thank you and closing by the team of Bayern Innovativ


Our previous Webinars/ Pitches
Please find all presentations linked in the lecture titles. You are welcome to book virtual meeetings with our speakers. By clicking on the name of the speaker you will be directed to the respective profile (registration required).

Webinar 21 - 

Circularity of Composites

Organized by Sector Group Intelligent Energy and hosted by Enterprise Europe Network, Bayern Innovativ 

22 June 2021, 13.00-14.00 p.m. CET

What is it about?

This webinar will focus on circular economy approaches to fibre reinforced composites used in diverse industries like aviation, wind energy, boating, automotive or sports equipment.

Usecases will present how fibre reinforced composites can be reused, recycled or redesigned in a sustainable way.

The webinar had been prepared in close collaboration between the Enterprise Europe Network Sector- and Thematic Groups Maritime, Intelligent Energy, Materials, Circular Economy, Research and Mobility.





Daniela Harnisch,

DD Die Denkfabrik



Ernesto Saenz 

CENER – National Renewable Energy Centre, Spain

Defining a solution for reusing recovered composited from out-of-use wind blades (pdf) 

The National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER) develops applied research in renewable energies, and provides technological support to companies and energy institutions in six areas: wind, solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy, biomass, smart and efficient buildings and districts, and grid integration of energy. CENER is a technology centre with worldwide recognised prestige, activity and experience.


Christian Jensen

Energy Cluster Denmark

Solutions for recycling the composite material in wind turbine blades (pdf)
presentation is coming soon

In DecomBlades, ten project partners investigate and develop solutions to recycle the composite material in wind turbine blades. The project focuses on three specific processes: shredding of wind turbine blades such that the material can be reused in different products and processes; use of shredded blade material in cement production; and, finally, a method to separate the composite material under high temperatures, also known as pyrolysis.


Ajay Kapadia

Knowledge Transfer Manager (Composites) at Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), United Kingdom

Reuse case for composites 
For the presentation please contact Mr Ajay Kapadia via website

KTN's mission is to connect ideas, people and communities to respond to these challenges and drive positive change through innovation. KTN colleagues help build diverse connections spanning business, government, funders, research and the third sector. KTN works with stakeholders across the UK, using their deep knowledge of topics (from a scientific and commercial perspective) to help shape upcoming UK innovation support priorities.


Daniela Harnisch,

DD Die Denkfabrik


Webinar 20 - 

Energy Clusters of Finland and Bavaria – regional expertise!  

Organized by Sector Group Intelligent Energy and hosted by Enterprise Europe Network, Bayern Innovativ 

17 June 2021, 15.00-16.15 p.m. CET

What is it about?

The aim of this Webinar about European Energy Clusters is to present European regions with an outstanding reputation for their work on boosting intelligent energies. Participating in this webinar is a great opportunity to learn more about the focus and services of Energy Clusters in Germany and Finland, and about the available expertise and cooperation opportunities in their regions.

Sonja Angloher Reichelt, Ph.D, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Chair of the EEN Sector Group Intelligent Energy
Mari Kivinen, Turku Science Park OY AB, Mikkeli, EEN Finland

TimeSpeaker Topic
15.00-15.05Dr. Sonja Angloher Reichelt,
Bayern Innovativ GmbH

Mari Kivinen, Turku Science Park OY AB, Mikkeli, EEN Finland
15.05Professor Oliver Mayer,
Cluster Energietechnik
Sector coupling, CHP roadshows and energy digitization- core-expertiseof the Bavarian Energy Cluster (pdf)
15.25Anna Tommek,
Regensburg Center of Energy and Resources (RCER)
Research expertise in the fields of energy storage (PtX, H2), alternative mobility technologies and energy grid modeling (pdf)
15:30Larissa Koester
Center of Excellence for Cogeneration Technologies
Combined Heat and Power Plants in Research and Application at the Technical University Amberg Weiden (pdf)

Lasse Pohjala, Business Advisor VASEK, EnergyVaasa

EnergyVaasa - The Nordic Energy capital (pdf)
Marko J Koski,
Operation & Partners EnergySpin
Corporate startup cooperation through Accelerator program (pdf)
Rainer Rönnback,
Marketing Director - Jukolux Oy
Towards less environmental impact with better products
For the presentation please contact Mr Rönnback via website
16.05-16.15Dr. Sonja Angloher Reichelt,
Bayern Innovativ GmbH


Webinar 19 - Digital business models for circular economy processes & support for SMEs  

Organized and hosted by Enterprise Europe Network, Bayern Innovativ

19th May 2021, 14.00-15.00 p.m. CET

What is it about? 

What are sustainable digital business models and how can they be implemented? How does the EEN support SMEs in Europe?

This webinar provides insights from an expert, an impactful & successful entrepreneur and an EEN professional.

Moderation: Dr. Markus Döbbelin, Bayern Innovativ GmbH

14:00Dr. Markus Döbbelin,
Enterprise Europe Network- Bayern Innovativ GmbH



Dr. Dina Barbian, Director, Institute for Sustainability, Nuremberg

Sustainable digital business models for circular economy processes (pdf)


Angel Batalla, Founder & CEO, Last Mile

Digital Solutions to Urban Logistics & Last Mile Distribution, at large scale (pdf)

14:35Dr. Markus Döbbelin
Enterprise Europe Network, Bayern Innovativ

Digitalisation, Sustainability & Internationalisation - Support for SMEs in Europe (pdf)

14:45Q & A Session

Clients already registered on the platform, please click here to register for the webinar. 
Clients not yet registered on the platform - please register here first

Webinar 18 - An SDG Action Plan for your business: Where do we begin?

Organized and hosted by Sector Group Environment

19th April 2021, 16.00-17.30 p.m.

What is it about?
The current global health and environmental crisis encourages us to seek new business models compatible with the maintenance of ecosystems that are the basis of the economy and social well-being. This need is explicitly addressed in the new legislative and financial frameworks such as the Green Deal, the EU Taxonomy or the ESG investment criteria.

In this sense, sustainability has become the main competitiveness criteria. In this new context of business development, companies are forced not only to adapt to regulations but also to show their ability to be profitable not only from an economic point of view, but to create a shared value with Planet and people. Hence, the sustainable transformation of the business fabric is an urgent matter.

The Enterprise Europe Network aims at accelerating this transition by providing high quality information on sustainability to the companies they serve. To this end, they have asked Creando Redes to participate in a brokerage conference with an intervention that helps companies start on the path of sustainability.

We propose a 60 minutes long workshop with the following contents:

1. Why is sustainability important for business?

  • Environmental trends affecting business
  • Legal trends (with special interest in SDGs)
  • Economic trends
  • Social trends

2. How to include sustainability in your company?

  • SDGs Global Compact methodology

3. Your SDG Action Plan Step by step




16.00 – 16.05 WelcomeReyes Sansegundo, Vice-chair SG Environment EEN

16.05 – 17.05 An SDG Action Plan for your business: Where do we begin? Sandra Magro| CEO Creando Redes (PDF)

17.05 – 17.10 Q&A
17.10 – 17.15 Closure Joana Afonso| Chair SG Environment EEN

Clients already registered on the platform, please click here to register for the webinar. 
Clients not yet registered on the platform - please register here first


Pitching Session 4 - Spotlights on European Expertise in Environmental solutions 

Organized and hosted by Sector Group Environment
7 April 2021, 16.00-17.30 p.m.

What is it about?
Environment is a huge topic in which many different solutions can offer new possibilities in different sector like water, life cycle analysis, air quality, waste management or energy transition. The present pitching session will give the floor to specialized companies with innovative ideas in this topics, among others. 


Moderation: Reyes Sansegundo, Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, Vice Chair EEN SG Environment

Company | SpeakerCountryTopic
Joana Afonso|CEC - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro. Chair EEN SG Environment. Welcome
CELSA GROUP | Roger Vizcaíno
SpainFurnace refractory valorisation (PDF)
IZNAB | Emil Lezak
SpainAir qualiy software platform
INERCO |José Antonio PeregrínSpainEnergy transition tecnologies for the industry (PDF)
BETTER2EARTH | Henrique Miranda
PortugalWater saving experience (PDF)

Webinar 17 - Horizon Europe Opportunities for the Circular Economy 

Organized and hosted by Bavarian Research Alliance in collaboration with Thematic Group Circular Economy,
30 March 2021, 14.00-15.00 p.m. CET

What is it about? 

Webinar on the new Horizon Europe framework program and how circular economy, bioeconomy and sustainability are part of the work package.

  • Funding Schemes Horizon Europe (20 min) (PDF)
    - Societal Challenges (Cluster 6)
    - EIC I European Innovation Council
    - MSCA I Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
  • Questions (10 min)
  • Hands-on: Application (20 min) (PDF)
    - What to consider
    - Proposal structure

Webinar 16 - EUREKA Cluster Call on Technology - driven Green Transition

Organized by FFG Austria,
25 March 2021, 09.15 - 10.30 CET

What is it about? 

Within the Eureka framework, a multilateral call is currently open for market-oriented R&D projects in the fields of Energy preservation, Sustainable manufacturing, and Bioresources / Biodiversity. The goal of this call is to boost the productivity and competitiveness of European industries by facilitating the technology driven green transition and sustainable environmental solutions. Details of the call and funding opportunities will be presented in this webinar. The call is open until 15 June 2021.


Moderation: Michael Walch, FFG - Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH

Webinar 15 - Regional GreenTech Clusters in Europe 

Organized and hosted by the Green Tech Cluster ACLIMA and hosted by Thematic Group Circular Economy

23 March 2021, 10.00-11.10 a.m. CET

What is it about? 
In this new series of webinars, we will present European regions with an outstanding reputation for being European green tech hubs. You can learn more about these regions, their companies and the innovative solutions they provide. And off course you will have the chance to get in direct contact with regional representatives and selected companies from these regions.

10.00Arturo Antón, SPRI Basque Business Development AgencyWelcome
10.03AINGreeting from the host
10.05ACLIMA, Olga MartinBasque Environment Cluster - ACLIMA (PDF)
Dorleta Guarde
WEEE recycling main challenges (PDF)
10.19DORLET, S.A., Eugenio Morillo
IOT container system to increase and control selective waste collection (PDF)
10.26OLIO3R, S.L., 

Géraldine Petiteau

Coffee Waste Valuation Project (PDF)
10.33OTUA, S.L., Jon Barrenetxe
Innovative VFU / WEEE Recovery Projects (PDF)
10.40ANBIOTEK, S.L., Joana Hevia
Metagenomics aimed at recovering contaminated soils (PDF)
Miguel Escribano
Advanced air quality monitoring (PDF)
10.54Moderated by AINQ&A Session
11.10 End of Session

Webinar 14 - Circular Economy Clusters 

Organized and hosted by Thematic Group Circular Economy
09 March 2021, 10.00 a.m. CET

What is it about? 

The aim of this Webinar about Circular Economy Clusters is to present European regions with an outstanding reputation for their work on boosting circular economy. Participating in this webinar and presenting the hard work the clusters have been doing is a great opportunity to foster the creation of more circular economy clusters in other regions.

Moderation: Sandra Herrero, AIN - Asociación de la Industria Navarra




Circlemade.brussels (PDF)


Circular Economy Hotspot Catalonia (PDF)

10.45Q & A Session

Pitching Session 3 - Spotlights on European Expertise in "Circular Economy" 

Organized and hosted by Thematic Group Circular Economy
23 February 2021, 14.00-15.00 p.m.

What is it about? 
The Circular Economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources, and designing waste out of the system. Underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources, the circular model builds economic, natural, and social capital. 

Moderation: Montse Guerrero, AIN, vice chair EEN TG Circular Economy

Company | SpeakerCountryPresentation
Alfonso Urrizburu


Beeplanet - Electrifying the future
Daniel Alonso
SpainPVT - Decontaminating the world, slab to slab
Erik Amman
NetherlandRed Orka – Circular baby Wear
GBN Group
Erik van Roekel
NetherlandsGBN Group – All material flows circular one by one
Patricia Astrain

Recircular – Reduce costs purchasing secondary raw materials
Carles Arnabat
SpainGreen Killer Weeds - A real alternative to traditional herbicides and pesticides
Madaster Germany GmbH
Patrick Bergmann

GermanyMadaster - Because Materials Matter
Gnanli Landrou

Oxara – Transform excavation materials into sustainable building products
Óscar Longares
SpainFeltwood – Upcycling Vegetable waste
Salvador Puig
SPAINDvelas – Living sails
Q&A Session

Pitching Session 2 - Spotlights on European Expertise in "Hydrogen"

Organized and hosted by Sector Group Intelligent Energy
26 January 2021, 10.00-11.00 a.m. CET

What is it about? 
The energy sector has a crucial role in the creation of a low-carbon society. In this connection, hydrogen has been a major part of the global discussion. Hydrogen can be used to more effectively utilize renewable energy, and it enables longer-term storage of energy. Source: Business Finland: National Hydrogen Roadmap

The EEN Intelligent Energy Sector Group invites you to hear interesting company presentations in the hydrogen sector. A good occasion to get familiar with the companies, and then book meetings with them after the pitching session!


Welcome & Introduction 

  • Sonja Angloher Reichelt, Ph.D, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Chair of the EEN Sector Group Intelligent Energy
  • Mari Kivinen, Turku Science Park OY AB, Mikkeli, EEN Finland- Moderator

Please find all presentation given during the Pitching Session here: LINK

Company | SpeakerCountryActivity
Overplus Power, Co., LTD.
Suho Jung
South KoreaGreen hydrogen business and SOEC (Solid oxide electrolyzer cell) (working title)
Rouge H2 Engineering GmbH,
Gernot Voitic
AustriaOSOD - the future of decentralized Hydrogen supply
Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH,
Manfred Limbrunner
GermanyProton Motor - Fuel Cells and their role in the stationary, automotive, rail and maritime sector
Germain Hurtado

FranceHYPSTER : Hydrogen Pilot Storage 
EH GROUP Engineering AG,
Christopher Brandon
SwitzerlandCompact, Low-Cost & Scalable Fuel Cell
Dr. Flavio Ortigao
SloveniaRecupera – The white hydrogen company
LNEG and Smartenergy, Sofia G. Simoes, Christian Pho Duc PortugalMaking the green H2 economy happen
Bürgerwindpark Reussenköge/ SunOyster System, 
Carsten Corino
GermanyHydrogen Electrolizer Testing Arena (Hy-ETA) – a 20 MW electrolyser project by Bürgerwindpark Reussenköge
Hyzon Motors Europe, 
André Lagendijk

NetherlandsHydrogen Truck production
Andreas Lehmann
GermanyEnabling safe and easy hydrogen supply using LOHC

Webinar 13 - Regional GreenTech Clusters in Europe: Styria - Austria

Organized and hosted by the Green Tech Cluster Styria and the Styrian Business Promotion Agency
26 January 2021

In this new series of webinars, we will present European regions with an outstanding reputation for being European green tech hubs. You can learn more about these regions, their companies and the innovative solutions they provide. And off course you will have the chance to get in direct contact with regional representatives and selected companies from these regions.


TimeTopicCompany - Speaker
14:00WelcomeSteirische Wirtschaftsförderung,
Michael Kerschbaumer
14:02Greeting from the hostBayern Innovativ GmbH,
Sonja Angloher-Reichelt
14:05Greentech Region Styria - an overviewGreen Tech Cluster Styria,
Johann Koinigg
14:15Big Solar - How to use the sun to power district heating plantSOLID Solar Energy Systems GmbH,
Christian Holter
14:23Greentech Solutions for industrial scale-upBDI-BioEnergy International GmbH,
Fabian Weinhandl
14:31ANDRITZ Recyling Technology Center - Supporting a circular economyANDRITZ AG,
Franz Frühauf
14:39Research services for renewable energy sources and resource efficiencyAEE Intec,
Christoph Brunner
14:47Solmate - Your personal PV power stationEET - Efficient Energy Technology GmbH,
Christoph Grimmer
14:55Smart Sensor for surface monitoring of wind power plantseologix sensor technology gmbh,
Thomas Schlegl
15:02Q&A SessionModerated by Michael Kerschbaumer  & Johann Koinigg
15:20End of Webinar


Pitching Session 1- Spotlights on European Expertise in "Sustainable Construction"

Organized and hosted by Sector Group Sustainable Construction 

9 December 2020

What is it about?

The EEN Sustainable Construction Sector Group will introduce you to some selected companies and organizations willing to share their experiences and best practices with you. A good occasion to know who they are, to get know and to make some green business.


Welcome & Introduction

Company CountryActivitySpeaker | Link to Profile
Venetian Green Building ClusterItaly
Green Building Cluster (PDF)Mauro Roglieri
Styrian Wood ClusterAustriaWood Cluster (PDF)Masa Jasarevic
F6SIrelandGrowth Company Community (PDF)Robert Carroll
Landco Ltd.GreeceLandscape & Construction Achitecture (PDF)

Lamprini Podaropoulou

Green Evolution SAGreeceSustainable tourism (PDF)

Ioannis Pappas

Prisma ElectronicsGreeceElectronic Manufacturing Service (PDF)Eleftherios Metaxoudis
METIS SeagrassGreeceEco-friendly deagrass surfaces for healthier
interiors for construction industy (PDF)
Yannis Pavlakis
ASIO New,spol.s.r.o.Czech RepublicTechnologies from wastewater treatment, 
water treatment and air treatment (PDF)
Ivo Frank
Centrum AdMaSCzech RepublicResearch centre for civil engineering (PDF)

Zdeněk Krejza
Studio Nadalin ItalyElectrical planning, occupational safety and construction sites, fire prevention, quality process, energy and environment (PDF)Maria Stella


Webinar 12  - Women Entrepreneur & Green Deal: Challenges and Opportunities 

Organized by Sector Group Women’s Entrepreneurship & Host of the event: Sector Group Intelligent Energy

3 December 2020, 3 pm CET

What is it about?

The aim of the Webinar is to promote women entrepreneurs in the green sector across the Europe and worldwide. The webinar consists of two parts: in first part we will highlight some policy aspects and in the second part we would like to flagship good practices of female entrepreneurs in the green sector.


15.00 – 15.05

Welcome addressing by the host of the event:

Sonja Angloher-Reichelt, Ph.D, Bayern Innovativ Gmbh, Chair of the EEN Sector Group Intelligent Energy

Sanja Popovic-Pantic
, PhD, Institute „Mihajlo Pupin“, Chair of the Sector Group Women’s Entrepreneurship

15.05  - 15.25

Green Deal: Policy framework for Women’s Entrepreneurship

Snjezana Turalija, GREENiKA consulting office for sustainable buildings, circular economy and DGNB certification, Croatia
"Opportunities and challenges for female small business among green economy" (PDF)

Teresa Pérez del Castillo, UNWOMEN
"Win-Win Programme and the B2B Platform: Women Steering the new economies” (PDF)

15.25 – 15.50

Sharing the good practices of female businesses in green sector:

Vesna Baur, Basna, Serbia
"Intelligent energy produced by female company" (PDF)  

Biljana Miteva, founder & CEO of Ekoprotekt-Ko
"Working towards sustainable future: waste management services & education" (PPS)

15.50 – 16.00


Sanja Popovic-Pantic, Ph.D, Chair of the EEN Sector Group Women’s Entrepreneurship


Webinar 11  - Explore Market Opportunities within Nigeria 

Organized by Bayern Innovativ, Partner in the Enterprise Europe Network, and SG Intelligent Energy

24 November 2020, 3 pm CET

What is it about?

With Nigeria this webinar series will cover the first country within the African continent. What opportunities for cooperation within the fields of environment, energy and circular economy exist in the West African country? Chigozie Nweke-Eze, research assisstant at the University of Bonn, presents insights on the Nigerian renewable energy market. Tobias Zwirner from Phasun GmbH, Bavarian expert for off-grid solar systems, shares his practical experiences in cooperating with Nigerian partners.


15.00 – 15.05
Introduction (Anja Gross, Bayern Innovativ GmbH)
15.05  - 15.20

Opportunities and challenges in the Nigerian renewable energy market (PDF)
Chigozie Nweke-Eze, University of Bonn
15.20 – 15.35
Independent power supply for the industry, farmers and rural households (PDF)
Tobias Zwirner, Phaesun GmbH
15.35 – 15.45
Enterprise Europe Network in Nigeria (PDF)
Taofeek Olagoke, Nigerian-Belgian Chamber of Commerce
15.45 – 16.00


Webinar 10  - Cleantech Clusters Driving Concrete Business Opportunities with Cities & Corporates

Organized by International Cleantech Network & Bayern Innovativ – Partner in the Enterprise Europe Network, Sector Group Intelligent Energy

17 November 2020

What is it about?

Hear from the International Cleantech Network and the City Solutions Platform on opportunities for businesses to engage with corporates seeking innovation and cities looking for solutions providers to assists framing future public procurement.


15.00 – 15.05
Introduction and Moderation by
Dr. Petra Blumenroth, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Germany
Paloma Lozano Gutiérrez
, Executive Team Member of the Thematic Group Clusters at Enteprise Europe Network & Madrid Network, Spain
15.05 – 15.15

ICN International Cleantech Network – stimulating the global green economy through cleantech (PDF)
James Armour, Head of Secretariat of International cleantech network)
15.15 – 15.30
City Solutions Platform with C40 cities (PDF)  
Scott Alison, Senior Project Manager at CLEAN, Denmark)
15.30 – 15:45
The future of collaborative innovation: Experience report of an SME with the services and platforms of ICN (PDF
Rune Kirt, Managing Director at Kirt x Thomsen, Denmark)
15:45 - 16:00Q & A

WEBINAR 9 – Circular Economy

14 October 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presnetations please contact us. 


WEBINAR 8  – Bioeconomy - Creating a bio-based economy in Bavaria 

13 October 2020, Agenda

For detailed informaiton / presentations please contact us. 


WEBINAR 7   – Partner Search for the European Green Deal Call

8 October 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contact us. 


WEBINAR 6  – Patent Circumvention with technical means 

15 September 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contact us. 


WEBINAR 5  – How to be successful at the European Green Deal Call 

14 September 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contacvt us.


WEBINAR 4 Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy – Opportunities for cooperation and future development for the next programming period

10 September 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contact us. 


WEBINAR 3 - Indian Market Opportunities for EU SMEs in the Waste Management & Waste to Energy Sector

2 September 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contact us. 


WEBINAR 2  - From East to West – Develop new markets in South Korea, India & Canada

10 August 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contact us.


WEBINAR 2   -  From East to West – Develop new markets in South Korea, India & Canada

10 August 2020, Agenda
For detailed information / presentations please contact us.

Closed since 30 June 2021
Organised by
Spain 303
Germany 161
Italy 156
Chile 74
Canada 64
United Kingdom 45
Austria 44
France 43
Türkiye 42
Greece 39
Czech Republic 38
Netherlands 32
Belgium 30
Portugal 28
Denmark 26
Colombia 21
Poland 21
Romania 20
Slovakia 18
Switzerland 17
Ukraine 16
Japan 14
Hungary 12
Finland 11
Cyprus 9
Slovenia 8
Peru 8
India 7
Brazil 7
Ireland 7
Sweden 7
Bulgaria 6
United States 5
Serbia 5
Ecuador 4
Croatia 4
South Korea 4
Argentina 3
North Macedonia 3
Nigeria 2
Israel 2
Guatemala 2
South Africa 2
Norway 2
China 2
Malta 2
Tunisia 2
Andorra 1
Rwanda 1
Iceland 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Albania 1
Russia 1
Namibia 1
Singapore 1
Estonia 1
Latvia 1
Total 1388
Profile views
Before event 88827
After event 4644
Total 93471