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24 August 2020 - 30 June 2021
Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy

Information and Studies around Energy

Sector Group Intelligent Energy of Enterprise Europe Network 


Partnering Opportunities 

Here you can find a monthly summary of co-operation opportunities in the field of energy, published in the Partnership Opportunity Database of the Enterprise Europe Network (Research Development Requests, Technology Offers, Business Requests, etc.)

October 2020 (pdf) 


Enable Ancillary Services by Renewable Energy Sources
100% renewable, 100% secure!
This is the decisive and highly relevant vision of EASY-RES. We are developing novel control algorithms and innovative Ancillary Services, which will allow the penetration of up to 100% of renewable energy sources in the European energy system. We are paving the way for a more sustainable power grid, which delivers energy from renewables reliably and securely.
EU-Project: EASY-RES
Literature & Publications
Webinar - Ancillary services offered by DRES connected in distribution grids - IEEE Smart Grid Webinar Series - 9 April 2021, 4pm CET

Project 4 Motors for Europe

The Four Motors for Europe support collaborative projects among regional stakeholders. In this vein, the Four Motors for Europe have been fueled by various innovative projects and many economic, scientific and university as well as civil society exchanges. To give some examples: Today more than a thousand young apprentices complete an internship each year in a partner region. More than one hundred interuniversity agreements are actively and financially supported by the regions.

Relevant studies 

Study I Painting one out of four white wind turbine blades black reduces the number of birds killed by the blades by 72%

A study from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) found that painting one out of four white wind turbine blades black reduces the number of birds killed by the blades by 72%.

Study I Highlighting the need to embed circular economy in low carbon infrastructure decommissioning: The case of offshore wind

Sustainable Construction  and Consumption

Previous Events

    Closed since 30 June 2021
    Organised by
    Spain 303
    Germany 161
    Italy 156
    Chile 74
    Canada 64
    United Kingdom 45
    Austria 44
    France 43
    Türkiye 42
    Greece 39
    Czech Republic 38
    Netherlands 32
    Belgium 30
    Portugal 28
    Denmark 26
    Colombia 21
    Poland 21
    Romania 20
    Slovakia 18
    Switzerland 17
    Ukraine 16
    Japan 14
    Hungary 12
    Finland 11
    Cyprus 9
    Slovenia 8
    Peru 8
    India 7
    Brazil 7
    Ireland 7
    Sweden 7
    Bulgaria 6
    United States 5
    Serbia 5
    Ecuador 4
    Croatia 4
    South Korea 4
    Argentina 3
    North Macedonia 3
    Nigeria 2
    Israel 2
    Guatemala 2
    South Africa 2
    Norway 2
    China 2
    Malta 2
    Tunisia 2
    Andorra 1
    Rwanda 1
    Iceland 1
    Moldova, Republic Of 1
    Albania 1
    Russia 1
    Namibia 1
    Singapore 1
    Estonia 1
    Latvia 1
    Total 1388
    Profile views
    Before event 88827
    After event 4644
    Total 93471